IPRO Fall and Injury Prevention: A 6-Part Webinar Series

Prepared by IPRO NQIIC in collaboration with Dr. Pat Quigley

Falls represent a major public health problem around the world and continue to be the most common adverse event in healthcare settings. The IPRO Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC), in collaboration with Dr. Pat Quigley, Nurse Consultant, invites you to participate in a patient safety webinar program beginning May 3, 2023.

The Fall and Injury Prevention webinar series features six monthly webinars, each followed by open forum/coaching sessions from May through October 2023.

Fall and Injury Prevention: Enhancing Capacity- Reengineering Fall and Fall Injury Programs: Infrastructure, Capacity and Sustainability

May 3, 2023 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Prepared by IPRO NQIIC in collaboration with Dr. Pat Quigley

Falls represent a major public health problem around the world and continue to be the most common adverse event in healthcare settings.The IPRO Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC), in collaboration with Dr. Pat Quigley, Nurse Consultant, invites you to participate in a patient safety webinar program beginning May 3, 2023.

The Fall and Injury Prevention webinar series features six monthly webinars, each followed by open forum/coaching sessions.

This program is appropriate for direct healthcare providers, managers, administrators, risk managers, educators, and researchers of any discipline who are involved in fall and fall injury prevention programs.

Your participation will:

  • Support organizational systems and teams to expand program infrastructure and capacity.
  • Help you redesign your fall prevention and injury reduction program; Complement your evaluation program; and
  • Provide access to an online learning community to increase exchange of experiences, innovations, and best practice implementations.

Patient Safety Analysis Quick Reference Guides

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

These quick reference guides were created to help you understand, modify, and interpret your data using the NHSN application’s various analysis output (report) options for the NHSN Patient Safety Component. These guides serve as companions to the “Introduction to NHSN Analysis” training slide set.

Falls Toolkit

VHA National Center for Patient Safety

The Toolkit is designed to aid facilities in developing a comprehensive falls prevention program. The Toolkit consists of a wide variety of items, please ensure that you scroll to the bottom of this page to view all the resources, such as; Post Fall Huddles, Case Studies, Falls Decision Trees, Fall Program Self-Assessment, Hip Protector Tools, Podcasts and Balance Assessment Handbook, etc.

Preventing Falls in Hospitals

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Each year, somewhere between 700,000 and 1,000,000 people in the United States fall in the hospital. A fall may result in fractures, lacerations, or internal bleeding, leading to increased health care utilization. Research shows that close to one-third of falls can be prevented. Fall prevention involves managing a patient’s underlying fall risk factors and optimizing the hospital’s physical design and environment. This toolkit focuses on overcoming the challenges associated with developing, implementing, and sustaining a fall prevention program.