The Interdisciplinary Care Team’s Role in Pressure Injury Prevention

Prepared by IPRO NQIIC

This resource guide provides education, evidence-based practices, and guidance on how to engage the interdisciplinary team to collaborate and improve the assessment, management, and prevention of pressure injuries. It is intended for use by healthcare providers who work with patients/residents who either have pressure injuries or are at risk of developing them. It will guide healthcare teams to implement effective pressure injury prevention practices through an interdisciplinary approach (AHRQ, 2023).

Advancing the Culture of Safety: Strategies to Prevent Pressure Injuries

Prepared by IPRO HQIC

Pressure Injuries affect up to 3 million Americans and are a major source of MORBIDITY, MORTALITY, and INCREASED HEALTHCARE COSTS (AHRQ). Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries (HAPI) can cause undue HARM and increase LENGTH OF STAY.

To improve the overall quality of care, it is important to implement measures to prevent the development of HAPIs. In this Lunch & Learn we will cover:

  • The pathophysiology of pressure injuries and how they develop.
  • How to appropriately identify patients’ pressure injury risk factors.
  • How the Central Maine Healthcare System successfully implemented evidence-based strategies that resulted in a significant decrease in HAPI rates.

Patient Safety Analysis Quick Reference Guides

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

These quick reference guides were created to help you understand, modify, and interpret your data using the NHSN application’s various analysis output (report) options for the NHSN Patient Safety Component. These guides serve as companions to the “Introduction to NHSN Analysis” training slide set.

National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)Patient Safety Analysis Resource

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The NHSN application provides various options that allow NHSN users to analyze their surveillance data. The resources listed on the link above are intended to help you use the analysis tool, and interpret data analyzed from the Patient Safety Component of NHSN.

Pressure Injury- Learning and Action Network (LAN) – May 24th, 2021

IPRO & Telligen Hospital Quality Improvement Contractors (HQICs)

The LAN included:

  • A presentation of aggregated results from the IPRO & Telligen HQIC Hospital Baseline Assessment specific to pressure injury
  • An interactive discussion with quality and performance improvement subject matter experts on pressure injury identification, prevention, and management.

Attendees had the opportunity to discuss:

  • Pressure injury challenges in small rural and critical access hospitals (in general and with COVID-19)
  • Approaches to overcome these challenges, including patient and family engagement and health equity strategies.

Hospitals left “in action” with a variety of strategies and 17 salient resources for the front-line to further efforts in All-Cause Harm (Pressure Injury) prevention and management.

Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guidelines )

European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance

(Updated 05/21/24) In 2019, a full set of Clinical Practice Guidelines were developed, by the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guidelines, The International Guideline and can be purchased for a fee. In addition, a Quick Reference Guide (QRG), which provides a summary of the recommended guidelines can be downloaded for no charge.

Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment in the Acute Care Setting (6 Modules)

Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP)

  1. Overview: Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment in the Acute Care Setting
  2. Overview: Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment in the Acute Care Setting: It Takes a Village
  3. Overview: Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment in the Acute Care Setting: Prevention of Pressure Injuries
  4. Overview: Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment in the Acute Care Setting: Treatment of Pressure Injuries
  5. Overview: Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment in the Acute Care Setting: Measuring Performance
  6. Overview: Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment in the Acute Care Setting: Process Improvement

Note: In 2019, a full set of Clinical Practice Guidelines were developed, by the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guidelines, The International Guideline and can be purchased for a fee. In addition, a Quick Reference Guide (QRG), which provides a summary of the recommended guidelines can be downloaded for no charge.

Please refer to the most updated guidelines for clinical practice.

Citation: European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Quick Reference Guide. Emily Haesler (Ed.). EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA: 2019.