Identifying and Supporting Patient Representatives on a Quality Improvement or Patient Safety Committee

Prepared by AIR for IPRO HQIC

The September PFE Learning and Action Event explores how patient and family representatives can contribute to QI or patient safety initiatives. The one-hour session explains the roles and responsibilities of patient and family representatives and teaches hospitals how to recruit and prepare patients and family members to participate in meaningful ways on committees, including helpful onboarding resources. Patient and family representatives also share their experiences serving on committees and provide practical guidance on how to better support representatives.

Guide for Hospitals to Complete the Person and Family Engagement Assessment for the IPRO Hospital Quality Improvement Contract

Prepared by AIR for IPRO HQIC

Hospitals leaders and staff who are either providing information for, or completing the PFE Assessment, can use this guide to determine if they are implementing the five PFE Best Practices, and understand how best to choose survey responses about the five PFE Best Practices.

IPRO HQIC – June 2022 LAN: Identifying and Supporting a PFE Leader in Your Hospital


The June PFE Learning and Action Event focuses on the roles, responsibilities, and benefits of a dedicated PFE leader in both small and large hospitals. This event explores how to create a PFE leader role using existing resources and tools, and ways in which PFE leaders can partner with hospital executives, patients, and families. PFE Leaders from IPRO HQIC hospitals share practical guidance and lessons they have learned.

Integrating Patients and Families on Quality Improvement (QI) Teams

Tom Workman, AIR

This resource offers guidance to HQIC hospitals and QI coaches on how to include patient and family advisors on hospital quality improvement (QI) teams. The resource will help hospital leaders and staff: (1) understand how patient and family members can contribute to a QI team as an advisor; (2) how to recruit patient and family advisors for a QI team; and (3) how to prepare patient and family advisors to contribute to a QI team.

IPRO HQIC March 2022 PFE LAN: Revitalizing PFE Practices after COVID

Prepared by IPRO HQIC

The March PFE Learning and Action Event focuses on how HQIC hospitals can revitalize their implementation of the five PFE Best Practices as the demands of the COVID surges begin to wane. The one-hour session offers a step-by-step approach for hospital leaders to assess and reset their PFE efforts after the pandemic. Representatives from Covenant Healthcare in Michigan share experiences and lessons learned.

“IPRO HQIC PFE LAN: Understanding the Lifecycle of a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC), September, 2021”

This material was prepared by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the IPRO Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC)

In this pre-recorded event, the AIR team hosts a discussion about the different stages of a PFAC, including how to identify them and how to move forward. The event features real-world examples of how hospitals have responded to the evolving needs of their PFACs. It includes a facilitated discussion about steps that all hospitals can take today to make the most of their PFACs and sustain engagement over time.

IPRO HQIC presents: The Impact of Meaningful Medication Reconciliation on ADEs, January 13, 2022

This material was prepared by The Bizzell Group (Bizzell), the Data Validation and Administrative (DVA) contractor, under contract with
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Hospital leaders from across the country attend the HQIC Community of Practice Call. The small, rural and critical access voice was amplified through sharing of barriers and best practices alike. Furthermore, subject matter experts shared their perspectives and their favorite resources. This resource contains a link to the Januray 13, 2021 video, presentation slides, and tools documentation.

An IPRO HQIC Webinar: Partnership in Action: Bedside Shift Change & Reporting, December 16, 2021

The American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the IPRO Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC)

The American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the IPRO Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC) gathered hospitals that have successfully implemented shift change huddles or bedside reporting in partnership with patients and families. This LAN event included a facilitated discussion among attendees about the top barriers to implementing this practice in their hospitals and the steps hospitals can take today to overcome those barriers. This resource includes a recording of the LAN event and accompanying slides.

Person and Family Engagement Implementation Guides for Hospitals

Developed by the American Institute of Research (AIR) in partnership with IPRO HQIC

This resource provides hospital leaders and staff with practical, step-by-step guidance to successfully implement the 5 PFE Best Practices in the CMS-funded Hospital Quality Improvement Contract (HQIC) program. Each guide walks the user through the definition of the PFE Practice, the intent of the Practice, the benefits of partnering with patients and families to increase safety in the hospital setting, concrete examples from the field, and a list of resources to support implementation. These guides are meant to be a supplement to the Hospital Roadmap for Person and Family Engagement.

Guide Practice 1 Preadmission Planning Checklist

Guide Practice 2 Discharge Planning Checklist

Guide Practice 3 Shift Change Huddles and Bedside reporting

Guide Practice 4 Designated PFE Leader

Guide Practice 5 PFAC or Representatives on Hospital Committee

Health Disparities Road Map

Developed by American Institute of Research (AIR) in partnership with IPRO HQIC

This resource discussed how Person and Family Engagement can help hospitals achieve health Equity in Health Care Quality and Safety.

The American Institutes for Research (AIR)—a partner in the IPRO HQIC program—identified six overarching strategies to guide hospitals in meaningfully engaging patients and families in health care. This document describes how to apply these strategies in ways that can help hospitals achieve equity in care quality and safety and address barriers to uniform engagement.

Person and Family Engagement and Health Equity

Developed by American Institute of Research (AIR) in partnership with IPRO HQIC

Person and family engagement (PFE) is recognized by the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as a promising way to
address health and health care disparities and achieve equity in
quality and safety
. Applying PFE equitably means including
patients and families from all backgrounds as equal and active
partners in their health care. Doing so can help ensure that all
patients reap the benefits of engagement in their healthcare.