SERIES: IPRO HQIC Health-Related Social Needs

Prepared by IPRO NQIIC

Addressing health-related social needs (or social drivers of health) can improve health outcomes. Health-related social needs include food insecurity, housing instability, transportation needs, utility difficulties, and interpersonal safety.

Join IPRO QIN-QIO for the Health-Related Social Needs Series to learn, collaborate, share best practices and lessons learned on how best to screen for, capture information about, and address social needs.

  • Engage in interactive sessions where participants learn about health-related social needs and specific issues when screening, collecting, and addressing this information.
  • Participate in a collaborative forum to share best practices, challenges, and lessons learned, including ways to streamline reporting to CMS.
  • Share tools, resources, and other material with your peers.

This series is comprised of six sessions from 12 to 12:45 pm ET on:

  • September 13
  • October 11
  • November 8
  • December 13
  • January 10
  • February 14

Ready or Not, Here it Comes: Preparing to Submit the CMS Health Equity Structural Measure

Prepared by IPRO

Hospitals participating in the CMS Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program are required to submit structural measures for CY2023 into the CMS Hospital Quality Reporting system. Submissions are due between April 1, 2024 – May 15, 2024.

One of the required structural measures is the Hospital Commitment to Health Equity. In this 30-minute session, IPRO will share what you will need to report to CMS, which documentation you will need to support your submission, the optional Social Drivers of Health process measures, and what’s coming related to health equity for the CY2024 Hospital Quality Reporting programs.

Watch Presentation

Presentation Slides

Hospital Commitment to Health Equity Submission Tool: This fillable PDF resource created by IPRO may be helpful for preparing for attestation of the CMS Hospital Commitment to Health Equity Measure.

REaL Data Collection Toolbox

Prepared by IPRO HQIC

This Learning Toolbox focuses on healthcare facilities collecting data on race, ethnicity, and language preference (REaL) as an important component of the provision of equity in the healthcare setting. It includes a quick primer on data collection, and provides links to articles, tools, and resources to educate providers on the importance of knowing the diverse patient population for which they provide care.

AHA Series: Social Determinants of Health

Prepared by the American Hospital Association (AHA)

The AHA is working to support hospitals and health systems as they address social determinants of health, eliminate health care disparities and provide comprehensive care to every patient in every community—all of which improve community health.

This series is organized by topic, and currently includes modules for: food, housing, transportation, health behaviors, violence, and more.

Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks, and Experiences (PRAPARE)

National Association of Community Health Centers

This resource contains the set of national core measures as well as a set of optional measures for community priorities. It was informed by research, the experience of existing social risk assessments, and stakeholder engagement. It aligns with national initiatives prioritizing social determinants (e.g., Healthy People 2020), measures proposed under the next stage of Meaningful Use, clinical coding under ICD-10, and health centers’ Uniform Data System (UDS).

Building an Organizational Response to Health Disparities: Five Pioneers from the Field

Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of Minority Health (OMH)

Learn how five organizations have made a business case for addressing disparities in health care quality and access. Organizations such as hospitals, health plans, health systems, and others may see their own motivations and challenges reflected in these examples. These case studies increase the evidence base for health organizations in support of building a business case to reduce health disparities.